Sunday, June 05, 2011

Am I living in paradise?

I think I am living in a paradise. I have my walks in a wooded part of the property filled with beautiful, colorful flowers dancing in the cool breeze. I listen to happy birds and critters enjoying their spring time. Birds sing and chirps, Locusts sing for their partners and squirrels bark when startled.

Occasionally I run across a possum or a raccoon or an armadillo and even a red fox being late for home. An owl or two being caught by the early sun looking down from a dead tree branch.

Squirrels chasing each other playing around or mating in my yard everyday. Red hawks flying high and diving down on prey are sights I enjoy watching. Baby rabbits running for cover when disturbed, parents of Blue jays encouraging their babies out of the nest and trying to fly. Little humming birds fighting over the sugar water feeder in the evening, these are all my favorite things to observe and watch.


Zue Murphy said...

Bestnya...your wooded area sounds like in heaven. Enjoy your summertime!

Mutiara said...

Zue, lamanya tak dengar berita, how are you? yep it is the first day of summer and hot! I was trying to add yo to my Facebook, I hope you check your FB:)