Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thank you Max

It has been very hot and humid these couple of weeks and I have either bring my dogs to the pond or give them a shower every afternoon to cool them some what.

This afternoon as usual, I went to give them a bath. I usually drag a water hose and wash Max first then do Dumdum. I do this because Max is kind of docile and just let me wash him without shaking the water off until I finished with him. Dumdum will shake off a few time during the shower.

So today it was rather hot and when i was squatting running the hose over Max, I must have blacked out. BB was not home, away on someone's hayfield. I only came to when I felt something wet on my nose. It was max kissing me or sniffing me or licking me to wake me up. I don't know how long I was out, but I managed to make a pool infront of Max house. It was quite scary to see Max so close to my face with his tongue hanging and his nose so close to mine, but I was so thankful that Max was near helping me the way he knows.

Thank you max, my big white puppy!


Muzlifah said...

KakSal, I am glad you are ok... tak terantuk apa2... alhamdulillah.Take care...

Mutiara said...

Thanks Muz, tak tau pulak terantuk ke dak, tapi tapak tangan sakit 2 hari jugak lah. I must have pressed on something hard. Mujork jugak Max licked me, kalau tidak manalah tau tersembam kat dalam pool of water tu.The hose was running just a few inches from me.

Mrs. Green said...

hrm...I can hear B's voice saying "don't forget to drink water when you're's real hot and you can get dehydrated real easy"...see...what you guys tell me does stick! :P

aiyo, nasib baik max ada.

Wangi74 said...

Itulah orang cakap Dog man bestfriend:)Love kalau cerita kat orang msia ni..harus keluar paper kak mutiara..hahaha..