Thursday, December 24, 2009

What we write in our blogs

I write on random topics in my blog. I am passionate about animals. I love animals. I observe them in my yard and see how clever the squirrels are. I write on birds too, I observe the blue jays and the cardinals in winter. I write about the furry possums the first time i saw them. I write about the deer that are so in love in the Fall that they come out in drove to mate and thus become hunted for sport and food. I also write on the tortoise that cross the roads for no reason at all and get killed just wanting to be on the other side of the highway.

I write passionately about Bull, the young bull we raised for food and of course, I write passionately about my dogs. They are and were my closed friends and protectors. They care about me and they do not talk back when i talk to them. They listen and they protect me from other critters as well as people they feel are a threat to me. Beside being a good sharp shooter and can handle guns really well, my dogs are my first alarm when anything approaches the driveway. For those with at least a little clue about living in a rural area, they understand why we rural people need protection.

I do not need to explain what i write, after all it is my blog. if anyone out there happen to drop at my blog (house), if they do not like what I have they can move on. It is very sad that those who do not like what i write, are too chicken to make themselves visible. They rather hide behind anonymity .

If they are curious about something, go do a research and increase their knowledge. having a little knowledge and assuming that they are a level higher than others is the most naive. If they only learn at school that a little knowledge is very dangerous, they don't have to expose themselves in my blog. You know the saying, it is better to be thought stupid rather than open your mouth and remove all the doubts.

I can write anything i want in my blog, so be it. You don't like it, move on.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your dog. You take care. This is your blog and you can write anything you want. For those reader yang tak suka what you wrote they can go somewhere else. There are so many nasty people out there yang tak boleh lihat orang hidup senang. Mentang mentang tahu sikit tentang agama ni nak ajar orang pulak. You take care and tak payah layan orang macam tu. Buang masa saja.


Anonymous said...

Already at home
just came back last night from Andaman sea collecting malay pantun "orang laut" sea gypsys.Need not to elaborate on the word "najis"using ilmu al lughah (semantic) with those, wasting time even we as human produce "najis" too ;)


MA said...

We all have our own obsession and passion. That's why we blog.

Tak faham apa lah masalah anons itu semua.

For all you know, they are so penakut of their own shadows in their own skins that they needed to hit on other people to feel good about themselves.

I pity these souls as they are so tormented internally and living hypocrital lives. Usually these people in real life tak se *gah* they sound in other people's comment boxes...hence the need to hide behind their anonymity.

Buruk baik seseorang Tuhan saja yang boleh nilaikan. We strive to be good people as we go along and learn more about life.

So Anons, chill will ya? Cuba belajar sesuatu yang baru dalam hidup and stop passing judgement based on the very little that you know of.

Kak Teh said...

Sal, sad to hear about your loss. We have known u and Bill for a long time and you need not explain anything.Take care.

Mutiara said...

Wan, thank you, memang macam tu kalau orang yg kurang ilmu, nak tonjolkan diri tapi tak tau di mana. So, kat blog orang pun jadi lah.

Atan, Must be pretty place. Almost went there with Bill the last time we were in Rebak Marina.

MA, A lot of these kind of people around.Biar ler they expose themselves.

KakTeh, Thanks.

Unknown said...

Salam AM,

Very sorry to hear of ur loss.


Anonymous said...

Pretty place of course and a very relaxing white beaches and coral; but the journey was under a big project for next year seminar.

In my personal observation, there are some malay in Bukit Tinggi who were accompanied by their dogs to the mosque especially during Maghrib. Are those are not good muslim? Who are we human to judge other human?

Malay & muslim are very interesting topics to be discussed. Especially those judgmental Malays who were muslim by birth and not real muslim who seeks truths in holy religion of Islam.

take care,

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

I was one of those Melayu bodoh yang bila nampak anjing, habis dibaling anjing dengan batu. Padahal adab yang betul adalah mengasihani binatang, bagi makan kat binatang (anjing), protect them as they are all makhluk ALLAH.

Now I am wiser (wiser sikit je) and I love dogs! Cuba masalahnya masih mental sikit nak pelihara. Years of conditioning susah nak buang.

Mutiara said...

Ya, susah nak buangkan. Thank you for visiting.

Mutiara said...

For those interested to read on scholarly discussion on this subject, please go to this link

sitiaishah salim said...

I'm sorry about Roo. It must be hard to lose a loyal and kind and dear friend who loved you unconditionally.
I'm not surprised to read those comments. I got my share from time to time. In my case they condem me via emails that I lead a kafir lifestyle. I wonder what is the good human being life style like?

Have a prosperous new year, Sal.

Mutiara said...

siti aishat aka ana, thank you for visiting and kind words. I wonder as well, what is a good human being lifestyle like.

ps please let me read your blog. I like your writing. my email is

Ida said...

Salam Kak Sal,

Baru today dapat bukak your blog after 2 hectic weeks of handling my sister-in-law's wedding.

I am very shocked to read all the comments and such, and as what other blogger friends said, biarkan luncai terjun dengan labu-labunya..

I am very sorry to hear about your loss. *hugs*

wanshana said...

Dear Kak Sal,

Sorry to hear about Roo :(

Just don't mind the "holier-than-thou" lot. If we were to observe the way she/they wrote pun we'd know what kind of people they are...

Take care, and keep warm.