Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Roo died today

I am sad that my dearest and loyal friend died today 2 days short of her 10th birthday. I have had many happy days with her, walking in the woods and she protecting me from snakes and such. Her swiftness had earned her many rabbits and quails. She also dragged home a live kicking deer.

I am missing her.

Roo is dog, a creature that God had made available in this world to be a joy and company as well a hunter and protector to humans, who sometime forget that animals too are created by Allah to live side by side with us.

To those who commented on my last blog, I thank them for showing me, how shallow some people can be. How evils and hateful their thoughts are and how little they know about their religion of peace and humility.

They condemned me without even knowing me. How bongkak dan sombong nya mengaku berkahwin dgn suami yg beriman.


Nek Rock said...

Only ALLAH can judge a person, NOT us as a human being.

Hugs for you Kak Sal

Mutiara said...

Thanks Nek.
I just don't understand those people who think they are good Muslims, but don't behave as such. Some don't even know what are the 5 tenets of Islam. Some are so confused. There is no mentioned of dogs in Quran, if only they read.

This is how the life of the faithful is described in the Koran, Sura 2:

... "True piety is this: To believe in God, and the Last Day, the angels and the Book, and the prophets, to give one's substance however cherished to kinsmen and orphans, the needy, the traveler, the beggars, and to ransom the slave, to perform prayers, and to pay the alms, and they who fulfill the covenant and endure with fortitude, misfortune, hardships and peril, these are they who are true in their faith, these are the truly God-fearing"

mas asmar ashraf said...

alah,buat bodo jer...
org melayu mesti ade dengki2 pye..
xleh tgk org sng...

kl xde busuk perut bukan melayu namenye..

MA said...

I am so sorry to hear about Roo. I know how much she meant to you.

People will judge based on the very little that they know and the knowledge they (think) they have. These holier-than-thou and self righteous people are no better themselves. Usually jenis baru dapat ilmu and think they are one level above the rest...

Don't mind them, Kak Sal. Allah will judge us all and not these small minded nimcompoops.

Kak Ezza@makcik Blogger said...


Biar lah mereka itu menulis sesuka hati mereka kak..kami kenal sapa akak dan saya juga tau apa yang akak buat...Biar Allah saja menentu kan segala nya.

Ya kak..mereka bongkak dengan pengetahuan yang sedikit...kesian mereka...

Bersabar lah dengan semua ini...
Selamat tahun baru pada akak dan Bill,

Anonymous said...

bukan condemn dia. just heran this obsession with telling her dog stories. at the end of the day, the air liur, the najis and we know how dogs are. they slobber, the lick our faces etc. but memang cannot be denied a lot of malays and muslims bela dogs. i think of all mazhabs, only malikis think dogs' najis are fine. the other 3, we have to clean ourselves all the time.
i have touched dogs. when they are dry and my hands are dry too.
not condemning you.
have a good xmas!

Zue Murphy said...

I am sorry for your loss. Our dog, Corky was 13 years old when he died. His spirit was in the house for a month. I remember hearing his bell ringing and he was running up and down the stairs after he died. We cremated him and keep his ashes. It was not easy to lose a best friend. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hello mr anonymous, "heran" dengan "obsession". You can keep on your "heraning" .I believe that your talking about mazhab (scholar) base upon what you have heard from someone or somewhere, not base upon research. Allah almighty is great!

Greeting from Tarutao Island Thailand

Mutiara said...

Thank you all for the kind words. oh well, there are people who think they are a level or two higher than the rest just by having a little knowlegde. yang nak gelak sakan tu kan, yg kata dia tak jeles I married matsaleh and dia kawen org beriman dan duduk kat UK. dia sendiri tak tau or confused about the 5 tenets. kata baca Quran tapi tak tau pulak yang di dalam al-Quran tu tak ada mention dog langsung.
Yang dok heran pasai touching anjing tu, fikirlah sendiri, benda yg simple macam tu pun tak boleh fikir.
OK lah, thanks semua and atan chekdin yg berada di Tarutao island.

Supaya yg dok "HERAN" tu tau,kami tak celebrate Xmas. tak payah lah nak perli wish kami.

rosienoor said...

orang buat blog supaya boleh lepaskan perasaan.yang suka dok kacau ketenangan orang tu apasal.kalau tak suka,janganlah dok sibuk buat komenitu dan ini.belahlah.dahlah ceroboh rumah orang , nak buat pasal pulak.bagi u punya blog supaya i boleh komen pulak.


(They condemned me without even knowing me. How bongkak dan sombong nya mengaku berkahwin dgn suami yg beriman)

iman seseorang boleh bertambah dan berkurang.Bergantung kepada dia punya amalan.