Saturday, December 12, 2009

Roo and the visits to the doctor continues

Roo has been with us since I first came to live in Oklahoma. She was the golden bundle that only fit in my hands the first time we picked her. She was the smallest amongst the litter. We brought her home shampooed and kept her warm and I fell in love with her.

Roo was very timid and very insecure when as a puppy. She must have been bullied by her siblings or get less food than the rest. We put her in a box and she stayed there without a whimper. To make her feel better my husband built her a tiny house and put it next to Big Bubba's house to make her feel safe and comfortable. She grows to be a beautiful dog.

She has been with us for more than ten years now and age is catching up with her. She has skin allergy and food allergy. He beautiful golden coat is shedding due skin irritation and no shampoo can stop the shedding.

Then the trips to the doctor began when her mouth and gum start to get swollen. The doctor had to do a lot of tests and trial and error drugs. it has been many months Roo and I making trips to the doctor fortnightly. If one drug does not work, we try a new one. Now she is on 4 kinds of drugs. Poor puppy. One thing about Roo, she eats her pills with no complaint. I just put them in my hand and she eats them all at one go. Then she would take a drink.

The last 2 weeks we tried on a new drug and at the same time an old rancher said that it could be the food that she is allergic to. So Beginning of last week, I took her off completely from the store bought dry food. I now cook her a meal of rice and tuna. I can see the difference, she does not itch as much, her glands started to shrink and the gum swell has stopped. I am not very sure if it is the new drug or the change of diet that making her better. Whatever it is, I am happy and hope her health improves soon.



roo tu tua dh la...ada gmbr tak

Anonymous said...

what kind of Muslim are you? Being a Muslim is not just about fasting and celebrating Eid. have you forgotten the tenets of Islam? Have ypu forgotten that dogs are NAJIS AS STATED IN THE HOLY QURAN???

Anonymous said...

saya sokong anon. dah le bela anjing, dengan bangga nya cerita, mcm takde guilt langsung. other readers, esp Muslims are offended, you know. it's ironic that other blogs by non-Muslims pulak yg more tactful and non-offensive. ni typical melayu kawin mat salleh yg besar kepala & lupa asal usul and hukum hakam ugama!!! and NO, aku tak jeles kau kawin mat salleh pun. i'm married to a man yg beriman and guides me to be a better Muslim. and we live in the UK, by the way.

Anonymous said...


I am just curious. How many times you kena cleaned yourself in one day eh? Senang kot for you. Tanah is all around you kan? Tak pe, bela je lah dogs tu but najis tu kena bersih kan selalu ya Kak. If not, solat tu rasa macam tak kena je... saya harap anjing2 tu dok kat luar rumah je, boleh malaikat masuk rumah. :)

Mutiara said...

Anon #1. Really? is dog ever mentioned in the Quran? Go read again my dear.

anon#2, I am happy for you.You married a good muslim. Who are we to know or judge how good we are kecuali Allah.

anon#3. You don't have to wonder, let Allah be the judge.

mas asmar ashraf said...

babe, kita ni sape nak tegur2 orang.kita kita just nampak orang punya salah? adakah antum semua sudah bertanyakan kepada si pemilik haiwan berkenaan tentang tujuan apa beliau memelihara haiwan tersebut?

setahu saya,di dalam kitab suci al- quran tidak mengharamkan kita untuk memelihara anjing jika tujuannya hendak menjaga binatang ternakan dan jua tanaman.

saya rasa adat melayu saja yang mengharamkan kita membela anjing.

saya ni bukan kuat agama pun.jika salah,betulkan ya.

Mutiara said...

di dalam al-quran tidak ada sebut anjing langsung, cuma dalam hadith sahaja. baca lah al quran dan faham kandungannya. jangan suka-suka mengadakan, benda yg tak ada di dalam Quran.

mas asmar ashraf said...

anon 2# btw, u comfirmkah laki kamu itu beriman and comfirm ke dia akan masuk SYURGA?ko comfirm ke ko tu better muslim?apa guna kalau laki beriman tapi bini mulut longkang.mind ur language u dem stupid woman.

owh!!live's in UK?ulu klang or united kondom?hahaha..sound like takbur deyh..aku dok bangi. tak heran pun

Anonymous said...

Still there is typical "Melayu kampung bedengung" judgemental mind claiming that they knew al qoran cover to cover. UK ? huh if I throw one stone it will hit one of kepala Melayu...good bye Roo..


Anonymous said...

what kind of muslim are u.u tu baik sangat ke.orang ni kalau ada ilmu sikit memang rasa macam dah alim sangat.u g baca tentang mufti trngganu yg bela anjing tu .apa kata dia.tak usah nak belagaklah ilmu sikit macam perangai india.boleh cakap inggeris dah jadi lebih mat saleh dari mat saleh.suruh laki u ajar u jangan jadi mulut pantat ayam ok.dia tu beriman katanya.

Anonymous said...

hai org2 yg menyokong PB ni...dapat extra pahala ke nak sokong orang yg menghalalkan yg haram???

tak pernah dengar ke najis berat - anjing & babi???

untung nya jadi PB...bela anjing bagai nak, semua org "Islam" around you sokong penuh. bravo...well done!!

sapa2 yg mulut "p*****" tu - you're just as bad laaa...and by the way, my comments are for PB, so why dont the rest of you JUST BUTT OUT???!!!

Anonymous said...

cik mutiara oooiii...u''re just as jahil as all of us...kalau ye pun anjing tu TAK disebut dlm Quran dan hanya disebut dlm Hadith, bukan ke sebagai org Islam kita wajib hidup berlandaskan Al-Quran dan Hadith?????

mutiara apa kau ni???

mas asmar ashraf - i never said i/my husband was going to heaven - baca betul2 tak reti baca...? oh, lupa...kau dok bangi...more like bangang!!! u're equally stupid, COW!! also, membela anjing dibenarkan utk menjaga keselamatan ...but sik puan PB i bela utk keselamatan ke...??? i doubt so...kalau dah jilat peluk cium tu apa benda nya...lupa lah kau ni bangang

may Allah have mercy on ALL of org buta-tuli je!

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Tiada hadith menyatakan anjing atau babi tu najis berat. Kalau bijak sangat, tunjukkan hadith tersebut. Cakap jangan sebarang cakap, wahai Melayu bodoh.

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Siapa yang memanggil "kafir" pada orang Islam, pasti berlaku kafir kepada yang dipanggil atau yang memanggil.

Jadi berhati-hatilah, wahai Melayu bodoh.

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

Sejak bila anjing disebut najis dalam Quran? Cuba tunjuk ayat nombor berapa dalam Quran tu, hadith mana, wahai Melayu bodoh?

Anonymous said...

Tiada hadith dan Quran yang menyatakan anjing najis. Binatang buruan yang diambil anjing halal dimakan. Anjing ambil pakai apa? tangan ?
Tapi anonymous 1 dan 2 ini Melayu bodoh bukan terdiri dari Islam dalam golongan quran yang menyebut "bagi orang yang berfikir" liqaumin ya'malun
Pahala dan dosa bukan dari kau Anom
yang bukan li qaumin ya' malun.


Mutiara said...

To all those who leave comments here anonymously, I appreciate your concerns. I thank you. Biar lah saya dgn kejahilan saya, tetapi tak menyakiti org lain. Semoga anda semua yang memaki hamun saya memelihara anjing ini, mendapat pahala berganda.

Hansac, Atan, Thank you for visiting and thank you for a little light under the tempurung that most of us hide under.

bermula al Quran dengan Iqra', so let us read more and gain knowledge as Islam is the religion of knowledge.

There are a lot of platform to discuss on this subject, if only we seek to learn or acquire knowledge.

If anyone care to read and discuss on the subject, you can read here. It is only a suggestion, jangan lah nanti maki hamun saya pulak mengatakn semua di internet tak betul.

Baca lah after all it is something we can learn. Nilai sendirilah.

mas asmar ashraf said...

wahai Anonymous yang bodo lagi keldai, ko cakap husband ko tu beriman seolah2 ko nak tunjuk sangat husband ko tu kompem msuk syurga.

weyh,aku dok bangi, if u said bangi is bangang, so u are super duper bangang. its ur own country u BITCH!ko ingat dok UK ko ko da besar sangat?ilmu ko tinggi yang amat? aku bangga dok bangi sebab aku dok kat tanah air aku dan aku bangga aku dok kt sini. tak macam ko. lupa tanah air and cakap bangang tu our country.ayat Dr.M tuk ko MELAYU MUDAH LUPA!@

yes she pet her dog for her security. she have a big farm u OLD BITCH!
i know her lar cos she's my aunty and i've been there. Roo take care of her farm and her house. len kali kalau kau tak tau, jangan nak sembur jer BODO!

orang melayu macam ko ni pikir ko bagus sangat ker? lain kali selidik dulu la bodo. ko cakap aku lembu, ko tu ape? kalaau aku lembu, ko pun lembu betina bodo!sebab kite spisis.MANUSIA.ko pegi la belajar ngan suami ko tu. die beriman kan..tanya la dia dalam quran ada tulis ke anjing itu haram dibela. aku refer kat ustaz aku pun die cakap takde. so ko mengada-adakanbenda yang takda dalam quran. dose bai..

mas asmar ashraf said...

من اتخذ كلبا إلا كلب ماشية أو صيد أو زرع انتقص من أجره كل يوم قيراط

Maksudnya: “Sesiapa yang memelihara anjing akan berkurangan pahalanya dua qirat pada setiap hari melainkan anjing menjaga binatang ternakan, anjing buruan dan anjing menjaga tanaman.” (Hr Muslim dan Nasaie - sahih)

Qirat adalah kadar yang diketahui disisi Allah (Imam Nawawi)

nah aku bagi hadis skali tuk ko bace.

Mutiara said...

Asmar, biar saja lah mereka dengan golongan mereka. Bila mati nanti kubur sendiri-sendiri. Buang masa dan energy saja berdebat dengan orang tak berilmu.

I know who they are or that particular person because I have traced her IP. The IP originated from Malaysia.

I do not want you to layan lagi sebab tak ada faedahnya. Cuma kesiankan orang-orang yg begini.

Thank you Asmar. I love you and take care.

shimah said...

kepada yang anon#2.nak tanya laa..mengaji al quran tu habis ke.kalau dah habis pun aku percaya kau tak tau makna.rujuk la kepada laki kau yang beriman.atau mengaji lain dengan orang yang arif tentang agama.mungkin jgk kau ni baru kenal agama kot(mualaf) lantas perasan ilmu kau terlalu tinggi atau lebih mulia di sisi Allah daripada umat islam lain.

lekiu said...

I am grateful for the link you provided to Khaled El-Fadl's very well reasoned argument dismissing the long held prejudice against ownership of dogs.

I like the part when Khalid El Fadl in a despondent voice argued ".......Confronted by the grim reality of all those who have wronged this tradition—from the terrorists, to those who imagine that piety is an exercise in anger and hate, to the hadith hurlers, to the confessional critics who know nothing about the object of their critique, to the apologists who refuse to confront and correct our mistakes, to the self-appointed muftis and imams who believe that knowledge and hard work are an inconvenience, to the cruel and inhuman experts on God’s law who do not understand that God is beautiful and that God loves beauty, to the self-haters who project upon Islam their chaotic insecurities, to the arrogant authoritarians who do not realize that despotism is a form of idolatry and care not that God portrayed the arrogant as iniquitous whose egos reach the height of mountains, and to those who think that rules define the limits of mercy, and those who forget that a smile, a kind word, a caring hand, and a loving kiss are at the heart of Islam—confronted by this reality, I could not help but to escape to memories of happier and more innocent times."

The Christians had their dark ages, and perhaps we are now painfully living in ours. The so called "sages" lay down the law with extremely strict interpretation without tempering it with equity.

This despite the fact that the most commonly used theme in the Quran is justice and that the first Arabic phrase every Muslims were thought is "In The Name of God The Compassionate and The Merciful".

Thank you again for the link.

By the way, my wife sends her kisses and hugs.