Daun kunyit/tumeric
Okra/bendi or kacang lendir
Tomatoes (leftover dunno what to do with them)
Serai/lemon grass
It is only early August, but my trees are turning colors. Fall is arriving. It has been so hot lately, probably the reason the trees are changing their color to minimize the water consumption.
However today we had a heavy downpour which immediately green my grass and burst or crack whatever left of my grapes on the vines. My plants, I am sure are thankful for the drink and I am thankful too as my water tank is almost full again. (We have a 500 gallon tank collecting water from the roof gutter). Of course, i don't have to water my tress and garden for a couple of days.
I cut some of my tumeric leaves and shred them and dry them in the house, save them for the rainy days when I run out of fresh ones. They keep good dried in the freezer (do not freeze them when still wet). As Ramadan is approaching I am sure I may need them. Since it is fishing time too, I might use them to flavor my ikan bakar, my masak lemak cili api etc.
Oh I'm surprised u can grow daun kunyit and serai there. I've always thought they only grow well in in this region..
isk, isk..so teruk of me...I really must go out and travel...hahaha
Chahya, we can grow anything when we have chahya (light). Come winter they all get inside the house.
sal - i a determied to be like you. I bought some plants and as soon as i started digging, it poured. just my luck.
Kak Teh
kakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk jangan lufa,daun kunyit utk saya,haha stock kak kasi masih ada lagi ni,lalala
kak okra tu celop tepung,yum yum
daun kunyit dah ada ,serai pun sama..raya nanti boleh buat rendang udang galah ya kak...jangan lupa,saya nak sepiring tau....
wah bleh la ber'rendang' sakan masa Raya nanti ;) best tu...
Must be busy in the kebun - long time no update!
Selamat berpuasa Mrs Beach, may this Ramadhan brings more rahmat to you and yours.
Nek: bagitau jer lah bila supply dah habis. InsyaAllah saya kirimkan nanti.
Ezzah: Semua rendang pun boleh :)
Alinlai: Berendang sakan lah nanti, tapi berdua saja kami ni, tak best.
DF; Selamat menyambut Ramadhan yang mulia dan sama-samalah kita menikmatinya.
My garden was about gone last month, but Alhamdulillah, with the unseasonably rain fall, they have rejuvenated. But now I have to fight the weed invasion mercilessly.
I am growing a bed of weeds. Some even look like bayam pasir and at times I'm tempted to cook em.
Hello Mutiara, pardon the earlier comment.
I'm green with envy (pun intended)reading about your gardening. I've had very good luck with turmeric and serai here in Louisiana, not as much with pandan, sadly. My Spring garden has lasted through this Fall and I was at a point of having okra coming out of my ears until hurricane Gustav knocked the plants all down. This is a good excuse to let my husband till the garden again for some Winter vegies.
I enjoy reading your bits and I'd love to compare gardening notes and learn much from you.
p.s. I can't figure out why I keep defaulting to this Cane Sugar Handbook userid but I'll work it out somehow. I landed on your page from Kak Teh's, so blame it on her. LOL.
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