Thursday, March 01, 2007

Steaks for Bill and Pet for me

Bill went and bought a young bull (almost 2 years old). He says it is for food. I was ok with it. We used to do that, bought a cow left it with the owner until time for the slaughter. Bill would go and supervise the slaughter and say some prayer. The only thing I ever saw was a packed beef in steaks, ground and roasts. This time it is different, he brought back the pretty bull and it is sitting in the yard. I can't bear to think of it as steaks. I can't figure how I would feel when the time comes. Right now he was bonding with Roo. they have been kissing each other this morning. I called it rubbing their noses. Kind of getting to know you.
I have told Bill I will not feed the pretty thing, will not talk to it, will not look at it. But I just went and looked at it this very morning.


Kak Teh said...

sal, i know that when panggang and cicah ayark asam - it;'ll be one hell of a meal, tapi bila dah jadi pet tu - memang tak gamak. Tok sah sembelih laaa sal. Sayang.

Unknown said...

I had no qualm to slaughter the chicken from my mother's chicken coop when I was home because I didn't feed them, but I'm not sure about the bigger one.
Here is the baulu's recipe:
1/2 kilo sugar
1 kilo cake flour
7 or 8 (depend on size) eggs

Mutiara said...

kak teh
mmg sedap cicah ayark asam..pasal na jadi pet tu pikiark 2/3 kali..tengok gambark dia..besark ooo. kemarin terlepas..takut.

ana..dah ambik resipi. nanti nak buat..nak cari acuan dulu

Alinlai said...

terlepas kandang plak dak...jenuh ligan la :) hmmm cicah air asam perghhh terus lapaq ke ke ke