Saturday, October 08, 2005

My subsistance living in the boonies

Today I made key lime pie for the first time. They said it is difficult to make from scratch, but i did it, it looks ugly, but tastes good. I grow my own key lime in a very big pot. Key lime only grow well in tropical weather and originates from the Florida keys, hence the name key lime. Actually, it is more like our limau nipis, not limau kasturi.
I planted it last year and last winter I brought it into the house and had plant light on all night long. During the day, the pot sit near the window to get the sunlight. I did not think that it will survive, but when spring came, I had it out in the sun and alhamdulillah it made so many fruits/limes. I use it to make sambal belacan and all the chillie padi with kicap for my meals.
Beside the key lime, i also have serai (lemon grass), cili api (bird's chillie pepper), daun kesum, mint, kiwi vines, sharing the arbour Bill made for my grapevines.
I think for a melayu abroad, having cili api as well limau nipis is heaven sent. We can have sambal all the time, air asam, asam pedas etc. I am trying to grow papaya this coming spring. i don't know how long for a papaya tree to bear fruit, if it does not bear fruit by end of summer, I will have papayas in the house. Cool isn't it, can petik in the house.
My late mother said i have very 'hot' hands, hence I could not grow any plant at all. That was when I live in malaysia, when everything is hot there, but now, the plants i grow seem to flourish.
We are trying to be self sufficient, we raise chicken for meat and eggs, we go fishing for fish and from time to time we go hunting for deer. My female dog one time brought home a screaming deer one early morning. We have to slaughter it for it had a broken leg. We however, put the deer on the big grill and let the dogs have a feast for sometime. We actually can eat animals hunted by dogs, butI just could not eat what the dogs brought home.

I do believe that berbudi pada tanah, you can collect the hasil.


Mutiara said...

cucuk the batang tu in 'miracle grow' dirt. and keep the dirt wet all the time

DeLinn said...

Wah Aunty M,

Bagus lah you boleh grow those leaves and limes. Senang ek nak masak masakan2 tempatan Malaysia. So, bab sambal belacan tak rindu lah Malaysia eks? Eh, btw, belacan ada ke jual kat sana?


AuntyN said...

Kak Sal, berbudi pada tanah dapat hasil tu memang betui.
Berbudi pada orang dapat pahala pun OK jugak kan..

Kak Teh said...

sal, I envy you.everything will die on me..i think myhands must be deliriously hot. nasib baik ada kedai siam!

Iskandar Syah Ismail aka DR Bubbles said...

kak sal,

u tangan hijau lah! siap pokok daun kesum pun boleh tanam n hidup..classic!

wah key lime pie? bestnya!mana gambarnya?

Leyla Shuri said...

kak sal, selamat berbuka key lime pie.

Ely said...

i wanna live in the boones!

dont have to go to costco for produce!

Mutiara said...

ailin: dah dalam freezer tu, keras lah dia
delinn: sbb nak cari susah tu lah kena usaha tanam. bab masak tu bukan selalu pun guna, tapi janji mesti ada bila mau.
AN: betoi
KakTeh: seronok bila tengok tanaman menjadi
Iskandar: Hijau habis tangan nih
Lela:thanks..sedap tau
Ely:hehehe...pencen nanti go live in the country.