Thursday, September 08, 2005

What is it with us

When the tsunami hit southeast asia, pat robertson a TV evengalist said that it was God's way of cleansing non-christians. The Muslims especially in malaysia said that It is God's way to punish the people of Aceh (muslims) for not adhering to God's teaching.
Then Hurricane Katrina came, the same, we hear the same things that the Muslims in their websites called it God's army wiping out the unbelievers for their sins including calling New orleans as the sin center of gay community.
These people who never even thought of offering the innocent victims sincere prayers, suddenly became "God's spokeperson". (Zaman kenabian dah tamat). God has not appointed anyone to speak for him since Muhammad saw.
We know God does what he does, so, let it be.


Cherry said...

duuuhhh memang begitu manusia - terlalu fanatik dengan agama - agama dia je betul ! we are first and foremoset fellow human being. sape-sape kena bencana, tak kira apa agama & pegangan - tolong lah setakat terdaya.


ye la, i pun bosan dengan orang2 yang kasi pandangan macam tu. sama-sama berdoa and sama sama insafkan diri sendiri kan bagus...macamlah diri sendiri tu dah bagus sgt.