Sunday, July 13, 2008

Crayfish,crawfish or crawdad

Cray fish, craw fish or crawdad, they are the same critters. The pond dug out by my husband 2 years ago, are full of those crawly critters. The pond was meant for my dogs to go for a swim especially in the hot summer days. It was meant to be a bigger pond, but due to the ground being wet most of the time and the backhoe and dozer almost got stuck every time, it remains at the original size of 20 X 10 ft.

My dogs do not care for the size, they enjoy it all the time. Buddy will just jump in and out of it a few times everyday when we go for a run. Max just skirt along the side where the water just touches his belly. Roo and Dumdum always swim around it a few times before getting out to shake off the water.

A few days ago, my husband decided to work on the pond again. He pumped the water out to drain the pond to a reasonable level. To our surprise, the pond is full of those yummy critters. I have yet to figure out how to catch them especially those the size of lobsters. Their pincers look mean.

As to how they come to be in the pond, we have a theory. Most probably those migratory birds stop by and drop their food in the pond. Those crayfish eggs must have hatched and create a colony in the pond.

I will post some pictures when I get them.


Muzlifah said...

Never seen one as big as a lobster!!

Mutiara said...

muz, maybe I exaggerated a little, but the head is as big as kepala udang galah.

Muzlifah said...

Kat m'sia org ambik air rebusan dia buat kuah mee, mcm stok la kan...

Ari said...

Lama tak menziarah site awak..seronok nya ada udang crayfish tu..kalau tak silap saya udang ini di tangkap dengan gunakan bubu, bubu tu mungkin ada di jual .Tapi kalau pancing dengan gunakan rod yang ringan ..thrill ..!