Friday, February 29, 2008


What is wrong with that word? It used to be alright to use it to mean moving in a group. My mother used to go on a rombongan to Kuala Kangsar in the 60's. I used to go on school rombongan to visit educational places. Nowadays that term has a different connotation. That's what I just realized what a BIG mistake I made. I supposed I could have been forgiven by using that term since I belong to that generation that the word rombongan means something exciting to do with your friends.

I was in transit at Inchon, Seoul recently. We boarded the flight that was heading home to KLIA. Flights on the code sharing, called sky team. I was on Delta from Atlanta (DL), and there were passangers on MH and KE whom actually were sitting on KE aircraft KLIA bound.

I guess I was the only one who originated from Atlanta, GA and terminate at KLIA. When we boarded the aircraft, I could hear a familiar language spoken. Unmistakably, it was my mother tongue that I missed a lot. I was excited to talk to these group of people whom themselves sounded very excited with their trip to Seoul. They were loud and talking about their shopping etc. Some were even talking about making a similar trip to the US namely NYC.

In my excitement meeting this group, I turned around and asked in a very friendly manner "You all ni mai rombongan ka or ikut rombongan?" Then to my utter disbelief, everyone went silent. I did not know what I said that was so wrong. I thought these ladies were rude, they did not answer my question. I thought they did not hear me, I stood up and turned and asked the same question again to give them the benefit of the doubt. Again nobody said anything and I noticed nobody looked at me. Then I was confirmed that orang melayu memang rude.

I only learned later that the term rombongan is only referred to those group travels synonymous with makciks on a bus or coach trip. How out of date I am with my language. I supposed I have offended those ladies making their overseas trip sounded very kampong.

You learn something new everyday, don't you.


Unknown said...

Wow, that was interesting. I guess they use some glamorous word word instead of rombongan?
So did anybody answer you at all?

Ari said...

The term was 'on tour ' or tour,or 'melancung' orang Melayu kota besar memang tak mahu disamakan dengan orang Melayu dari kampung!

Mutiara said...

Ana..nobody talked to me. Perhaps I am still very kampong, what with baulu, pekasam and ikan kering in my luggage.

Ari.. thanks. I should think before I open my mouth.

Kak Teh said...

ish ish ish, sal - depa pi organised tour, packaged tour! Rombongan ni yang depa panggil rombongan cik kiah, yang kena simpan duit sikit-sikit setiap bulan main kutu! lpeas tu rombongan yang bawa nasi lemak telork rebuih.

Mutiara said...

Kak Teh
hahahaha.Thanks for the information anyway

Delicate Flower said...


No excuses, they were rude :-) They could atleast corrected you, rather than just sat there not responding.

I am actually leaving my jejak here:-)

Mutiara said...

Delicate flower
Oh well... Honored you leave your jejak here.

MA said... lawak!

I really don't understand why some people like to talk so loudly kat aiport lounges that they can be heard 3 terminals over.

There was one Melayu - whom I suspect must be some businessman-melayu-berjaya who practically was shouting in his phone about doing business deals and calling sana sini for his business deals for the whole Kingdom to hear. Somehow remind me of Lingam Correct-Correct-Correct.

About the Rombongan Cik Kiah - hahaha, you must have touched their kampung atenna.

I find this very2 funny.

KJ said...

I agree. That was very rude of them.

On second thought, maybe if they were men instead of ladies, they might not have reacted that way... but then again, men tak sembang pasal shopping so loudly like that... hahah


IBU said...

salam kak ...

bloghopped from ... err.. x ingat. msians are known to be warm & friendly. but sometimes, when you meet them elsewhere while in transit, sungguhlah berat diorang nak senyum. alahai....

p.s. Srikandi ke?

Telekung Nona said...

Salams :)

La ni kena kata ,mai 'PAKEJ sekali ka? tak pun ni TOUR GROUP sekali ka....baru kelas kots :P

beauty rush said...

la ehh.. Sal

rombongan cik kiah yehhh.. moderate mentality. Susah nak sembang lagu mana punn... gelang emah dia jer lebih..