Tuesday, March 08, 2005


When I first settled in Oklahoma, I thought gardening is something people do for fun. I thought people grow flowers around their house, but I discovered that gardening is a serious activity in spring. Now I am into it seriously too. Gardening can be exciting and rewarding as well. I enjoy planting and watch plants grow. We have half an acre of garden. I plant everything I can get my hands on. However It does not mean i eat all i plant...just happy to plant. Every year without fail we will plant tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cili api and serai. These are the 'must plant' every year. I may add all vegetables that i think i would like to eat, all the greens, terong, asparagus, beets, you name it, I have them all in my garden. Bill has tilled the half acre garden last week and i already planted onions, garlic and potatoes. the rest i will plant later after winter ends. This year it will be a challenge since I also raise chicken...wonder if the chicken will share my garden too. My puppy, Max too is at that age that will dig anything that I plant. last week when I was planting the onions, he dug them up. He also ran away with my bag of benih. I hope he will listen to "NO" soon. He is only 5 months old. Wonder what we do with all the garden products? Some will be canned, some we will freeze them and some we just let them go back to the good dirt.


AuntyN said...

Mutiara, my hubby is the green finger in the family. Dia selalu cakap I am not interested in plant. So my house is literally penuh dengan pokok which is very good, sejuk dan hijau. My bibik also like to plant vegies behind our house. Ayam pun ada, kucing lagi banyak. Ni yang syok duduk kampung ni. Best dengar kawasan rumah yg besar tu.

atenah said...

uuwaaaaaaah, i dream of having a garden but sampai ke tua ni tak dapat2 lagi, ya Allah, murahkanlah rezeki hamba mu ini