Friday, December 25, 2009

White Christmas

It is a white Christmas alright. White Christmas is very rare in Oklahoma. When the weathermen hinted that we might have white precipitation, everyone was looking forward to a white Christmas. Nobody expected that the storm would turn 150 miles south making the whole of Oklahoma and north Texas in its path of wrath.

We had blizzard that nobody have ever seen before in the state. With sustained wind at 45 mph and over and 60 mph gusts, the whole state was crippled. A 50 vehicles piled up on the interstate and many road accidents. Oklahoma was not ready for this kind of storm. The wind was so strong that snow drifts covered the cars on the roads.

At my house the wind was so strong, I was almost blown away when I went to feed my animals. Visibility was so poor I could not see where i was going and i could not see my husband a foot away from me. I don't know how much snow we have because of the drifts. we have 3-4 feet drifts and today my husband had to use the tractor to clear the front of the house. The snow was up to my french window and almost up to the deck.

My dogs kept themselves warm in their houses and in the morning, their doors were blocked by the snow. They were snowed in. Max pushed his door to get out and was so happy playing in the snow. Both of them run up and down their cables and rolled in the snow. I am sure they enjoy themselves.


DeLinn said...

bahaya gak bunyinya tu

hmylieen said...

hi AM...merry xmas do put ur dogs pic playing snow hehehhehe

Muzlifah said...

Ingatka blizzard tu nak mai kot tempat kami rupanya dia kona pi Ok. Hope it will cleared up in a few days. We had rain last few days instead, most of the snow had melted. Take care...

Mutiara said...

Wassalam Muz
Tu lah ingat dia nak pi north of us, ingat kena sipi2 saja. the storm made a 150 miles south. mak aii dia balun terus.

It will take quite a while to clear in the rural area as we do not have regular road cleaners.

The weathermen say we will have more snow coming from Tuesday till new year.

It is getting old. Bila lah temperature nak go above freezing.