Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fall is my best time of the year

Dumdum and I went for a walk in the woods.

an evening sun on the trees

My yard, facing northwest and the driveway


Ms J said...

its beautiful isnt it? i love how the colors change to various shades of brown :-)

AuntyN said...

Kak Sal, LAWAnya!!!!!. Teringin nak pi tengok.

Mutiara said...

ms j:Yes, it is.
N: mai lah.pintu pagark selalu terbuka and pintu rumah jugak.

Kak Teh said...

sal, I was just thinking about how beautiful autumn is yesterday when I was walking to work and the golden brown leaves started falling to the ground. The path is full of golden brown leaves and it is a pity that we step on them. such beautiful colours.

Mama Rock said...

nice big yard you have there :)

Ir. Hanafi Ali said...

I'll be going to Galveston in February. That is sepelaung je kan from OK.

Can I borrow your gunsss while I'm there??!


Alinlai said...

cantiknya....bleh jalan2 santai macam tu lagi best...ada rasa syahdu sikitkan musim-musim macam ni :)

Mutiara said...

KT: mmg pun sayangkan.
mama rock: big yard, 20 acres of them.
trust: let me know when you are coming. We can challange target shooting.
alinlai: Musim gugur yg paling saya suka.